Dinghy Boat Plans
Foreword: Awesome work being done on "The Rise" which is the last remaining Waapa that sailed to an amazing Everglades Challenge finish after being built by some crazy college students back in 2007. For a history lesson, just dial back this blog a few years. Its great to see her sailing again at http://redbeard-hazard.blogspot.com/ . And she makes her return to the racing scene in under 2 weeks at the North Carolina Challenge under Captain Redbeards command.
The new screen I bought is quite amazing. (HP 2311x) It is a far cry from the 10.5inch screen of the netbook that I have been doing all of my design work on thus far. "Holy cow, now the whole boat fits on the screen. Oh thats much easier!"
Below, securing of the 4 partial bulkheads that will support the floor of the main cabin. Nevermind that the "main cabin" is the size of a sleeping bag. Notches are for longitudinal stringers (11mm x 25mm of Western Red Cedar) of which there are 4 plus the keel batten. The floor will also act as a longitudinal stiffener.
Below, a dry fit of the bottom stringers. They must be slid in from the still open transom after all bulkheads are installed. One disadvantage of building from the outside in. Seems to work fine so far.
View forward from the transom. Far bulkhead is the approximate position of the mast. Note limber holes for drainage. The cabin floor will be semi-self draining with holes to the outside to allow a large amount of water to escape automatically. floor hatches will be "water resistant".
Unfortunately for now, the weather is conspiring against me again. The bulkheads that I cut and fit last night no longer fit the hull as the humidity has swollen the sides of the boat just enough to cause a significant gap. Open air shops can be good...and bad. Hopefully I can sun dry the hull soon and get back to work. A coat of epoxy in its dry state might be next on the list. In the meantime working on cut files for the Amas.
Interesting geometry problem below related to my hull swelling. If you havent seen it before, the answer might surprise you or maybe not depending on how much of a nerd you are. In any case,
Say I place a 25,0000-mile-long metal band snugly around the earth. (Assume a smooth planet.) Then I cut the band and splice another 50 feet into it, thus loosening it all around. Can I get my finger between the new-length band and the earth? Can I crawl under it?
Answer here.
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