Pontoon Boat Plans Aluminum
lake cootharaba is getting a bit too shallow. the long walk out to the middle to get on is getting too long. and then you get the boat up and get on and youre sitting on the foils on the bottom, i ended up just sitting back dragging them through the mud until i was up and going, then trying pretty hard no to crash. and repeating this procedure after every tack.
aside from that the boat went well, and improved over the weekend. in 10 - 12 or more it goes fine around the course. in less than that i can foil on reaches and sometimes upwind but not really downwind, and i cant point. since the setup is getting close to good, im starting to blame weight, square foil drag and fat ass hull drag. these are things that wont be fixed with tuning, though i plan to make a few changes to minimise odd shaped gantry drag and poor sailor finesse drag. also im getting the pocket in the sail adjusted to my mast, which may hopefully pull some draught back in the sail to line up with my aft centreboard case. i think that may give me some more height upwind.
anyway that said i had moments of glory; like picking through a fleet of A calss and nacra 5.8 cats on a reach in 10 kts. or beating sharpies and MGs around the track in breeze, despite my shit upwinds.
on the way home some tired dude ran up the back of the trailer in traffic on the highway, doing about 20ks and we were stopped. missed the gantry (that hangs 600mm over the back of the trailer) by centimetres, broke some lights and stuf on the trailer and sheered the bolts connecting the hitch on. so while his car got put on a tow truck with some pretty severe facial modification we sat on the side of the highway wondering how we were going to get 3 M12s to get the trailer back together and get home. anyway long story short his dad rolled up to take him home, turned out he worked with my dad, (brisbane is small) so they went off on a mission to get bolts leaving me and the tired dude whod just nearly written off my boat to make small talk for an hour on the side of the highway. fun times.
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