Senin, 29 Februari 2016

Boat Plans Aluminium | Just a thought

Boat Plans Aluminium

Nervous making, a quick history lesson that may surprise, and some needful words from the folk at Surly...

Yesterday morning, when coming back to the dinghy dock, I noticed a boat that had its outboard leg up prop chewing away at the boat next to it which, as most of you know, is high up in the things polite folk dont do at dinghy docks.

As it happens, later in the day when I was rowing over to a friends boat to chat, I noticed the same dinghy tethered behind another boat with its leg down. It got me thinking...

Folks at dinghy docks who tend to exhibit anti-social behaviour always have a reason for what they do and where outboard-props-of-death-to-inflatables are concerned its always the "I dont want my leg to get fouled" gambit. Yet, as in the example from yesterday, I noticed that the leg was still down this morning...

So, logic would indicate that an hour at the dinghy dock has greater fouling potential than being tied to your boat for a whole day.

Though on the other hand, it might illustrate, whether conscious or unconscious, just someone pissing out his territory markers and general assholery in play.

Listening to Midnight Pilot

So it goes...

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