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Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

Boat Plans Aluminium | a quick thought on tools and toys

Boat Plans Aluminium

A cost of bad policing, something you need to read, and NASA doing it right...

The other day I was looking at the interior of a nice yacht with a lot of beautiful interior wood, lush fabrics, and a lust inspiring media center focused around a 66" ultra-HD 4K video screen and it inspired two cascading thoughts...

"Boy, Id love to hang out in this boat"


"What a horridly unseamanlike interior for a cruising boat"

Sadly, I find this is pretty much my reactions to most newer designs I look at these days which all seem great on comfort to the Nth degree but are sadly lacking in the practical needs of someone cruising in the real world.

Maybe its the fact that today cruising boats are thought of as toys rather than tools while a generation ago it was all about being a tool and not a toy...

Listening to Lydia Loveless

So it goes...

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Kamis, 10 Maret 2016

Small Boat Plans And Kits | A small thought about budgets and boats

Small Boat Plans And Kits

Making a very good point, on considering the price tag, and about how theyre spending your tax dollars...

Ive been researching a lot lately about the costs involved in buying a boat, setting it up for cruising, and actually cruising and, for the most part, what Ive been looking at is pretty depressing reading.

If you go over to the Retirement Project (a very good blog by the way) youll find a lot of links to various cruisers budgets and in the process going through them I noticed something that bothered me...

Hardly anyone writing about budgets has apparently made any mistakes.

Now, maybe its just me, but lookng back at my spending habits where boats are concerned over the last forty-years is chock full of WTF was I thinking, I spent HOW MUCH for that, and Boy-Howdy-Ill-never-make-that-stupid-mistake-again moments.

Maybe Im just the only guy who has made mistakes where budgets are concerned or, just maybe, other folks dont look at their budgets with the same critical eye or dont care to share their WTF moments with the public at large.

Of course, the downside of not being self-critical or not sharing your budgetary lapses of judgement when posting your budgets and thoughts on what boats, stuff, and cruising actually costs is you send the message that your budget is what boats, stuff and cruising should cost and folks reading your budgets will think thats the best they can do.

What we need is more talk about boat and cruising budgets with hindsight sans the rose-colored Ray Bans.

Just saying...

Listening to Hanna Rae

So it goes...

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Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

Boat Plans Aluminium Australia | a little food for thought

Boat Plans Aluminium Australia

Bill Moyers nails it, a great analogy, and just in case you havent been paying attention...

Meet the Earthship from flora lichtman on Vimeo.

Listening to Dead Confederate

So it goes...

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Senin, 29 Februari 2016

Boat Plans Aluminium | Just a thought

Boat Plans Aluminium

Nervous making, a quick history lesson that may surprise, and some needful words from the folk at Surly...

Yesterday morning, when coming back to the dinghy dock, I noticed a boat that had its outboard leg up prop chewing away at the boat next to it which, as most of you know, is high up in the things polite folk dont do at dinghy docks.

As it happens, later in the day when I was rowing over to a friends boat to chat, I noticed the same dinghy tethered behind another boat with its leg down. It got me thinking...

Folks at dinghy docks who tend to exhibit anti-social behaviour always have a reason for what they do and where outboard-props-of-death-to-inflatables are concerned its always the "I dont want my leg to get fouled" gambit. Yet, as in the example from yesterday, I noticed that the leg was still down this morning...

So, logic would indicate that an hour at the dinghy dock has greater fouling potential than being tied to your boat for a whole day.

Though on the other hand, it might illustrate, whether conscious or unconscious, just someone pissing out his territory markers and general assholery in play.

Listening to Midnight Pilot

So it goes...

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Minggu, 28 Februari 2016

Boat Plans Wood | A quick thought about boom bust economics

Boat Plans Wood

Mind numbing, someones making sense, and, considering hes a man who would actually know, Id say this statement is important...

A friend of mine, who has been looking for a boat for some time, pointed out that he thought the price of decent fixer upper boats would keep falling and only an idiot would buy a boat at the moment.

Me, Im not so sure.

Bubbles confronted with reality always burst sooner or later. Its just a fact of life.

Where boats are concerned it is only a matter of time before folks are going to wake up and realize it is bad economics to sell a boat for less than the price of the lead in its keel...

On a side note, one of the fastest growing  criminal activities in the US of A is the theft of raw materials from buildings and infrastructure... Copper wire/pipe, aluminum, steel, and lead being the most sought after.

Just something to keep in mind...

Listening to Blues Traveler

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Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

Boat Trailer Plans Australia | a quick thought

Boat Trailer Plans Australia

An important question, double standard justice, and just the same old same Florida anchoring BS...

So, Dave Z and I have been having a discussion on various subjects and something he said got me thinking about boats, the internet, and how they fit together.

If I say something like...

You can do something.

It does not mean that I think you should. Im simply pointing out that something is possible. 

If I were to point out that a self-built dinghy that only requires oars or a small outboard is a much more economical choice than a big RIB with a fifteen HP or larger outboard, Im in no way saying you should have a small rowing dinghy but simply pointing out a simple economical fact of the difference between those two choices.

Part of the reason Im so attracted to the sailing/cruising gig is simply that you can pretty much do what you want as were joyfully unfettered for the most part. Sadly, there seems more and more pressure to constrain and quash that freedom.

Truth be told, Id really hate to be part of that menace that tells people they have to do something a certain way and be part of the pressure that forces people to conform and become sheep.

Choice is cool but it comes at a cost. Just the other day while I rowed past a boat picking up its anchor the guy on the foredeck called out to us with a clever (well, at least he thought it was) jibe concerning rowing and Lin & Larry Pardey. Im sure he felt all kinds of superior having put me in my place but it did not bother me to the point that Id go out and buy a 12-foot RIB with a 35HP outboard to better fit in because of what some dork thinks.

Which is not to say there was not a certain amount of irritation but thats just the cost of doing business your way instead of following the herd.

Listening to David Bowie cover John Lennon

So it goes...

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